Pyruvic acid 40% + Lactic acid 10%

Pyruvic acid 40% + Lactic acid 10%

Pyruvic Acid is an alpha-ketoacid with keratolytic, sebostatic and antimicrobial properties. Thanks to the greater lipophilicity that the ketone group confers to the molecule, pyruvic acid shows a remarkable penetration profile through the skin and in particular a notable affinity for pilo-sebaceous follicles.

Find application for the treatment of various acne profiles, photo aging, and hyperpigmentation.

Lactic Acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid with multiple moisturizing and anti-aging properties. Stimulates the production of proteoglycans and collagen in the dermis, has a moisturizing and firming effect because it increases the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the extracellular matri


pH 0.8


  • moderate to severe aging
  • stage III and IV
  • advanced photoaging
  • deep wrinkles
  • irregular tone
  • medium and deep acne scars
  • epidermal hyperpigmentation

Best before

  • medium peel indicated for skins that have been previously prepared with superficial peelings